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What are the typical jobs in New Zealand?

New Zealand is known for its agricultural industry, so you’ll find an abundance of farm or vineyard work – including picking, packing and general farming jobs. Also, if the time of year is right, you could get a job in the ski industry (depending on experience of course!) You could also work in hospitality, or even in an office.

What is a New Zealand working holiday?

A working holiday gives you the chance to earn money during your New Zealand travels. It’s a more budget-friendly way to travel, it can help you experience New Zealand’s work culture, and you’ll even meet some locals too.

Am I eligible for a New Zealand working holiday visa?

For a one-year visa, you’ll need:

  • to have 15-months validity on your passport from the date of entry specified on your visa application
  • medical insurance for the length of your stay
  • to prove that you have sufficient funds to support yourself in New Zealand, which includes money for a return flight back home if needed