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Are there age requirements for a working holiday visa in Japan?

Yes. You’ll need to be aged between 18 and 30 at the time of application for your working holiday visa.

Are there other requirements for a working holiday visa in Japan?

Yes, you will need:

  • a valid UK passport
  • a CV
  • an outline of what you plan to do there (where you’ll travel etc)
  • £2500 in cleared funds (or £1500 if you've already got your ticket home)

What jobs can you get with a working holiday visa in Japan?

Many travellers on working holiday visas will work in hospitality, leisure, retail, farming, or on ski resorts.

Do I need to speak Japanese?

It’s not essential to speak Japanese, but it’s easier if you do (even a little bit.) Don’t have time to learn in advance? You could take some lessons while you’re out there – there’s no time like the present after all.