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Fat Girls Travelling celebrates body positivity in the best possible way

A woman promoting body positivity by holding up a sign that says i'm here for you.

Instagram is a hot bed of comparisonitus.

Scroll after scroll of people living their best life, flexing rippling abs (sans-clothes), and showcasing flawless (often filtered) skin. Even the cutesy Instagram vs reality snaps can still feel pretty staged a lot of the time. Are these #blessed people actually inspiring us, or just fuelling our insecurities? Is it aspirational, or just damn right unattainable?

This is why Fat Girls Travelling stands out from the crowd.

It’s the account throwing shade at anyone who reduces female-travellers to being only a size 8 through its celebration of true body positivity. Fat Girls Travelling re-defines what a ‘beach babe’ and ‘bikini bod’ really is by showing real women doing their thing, and looking beautiful whilst they do it. Yes, we all have a responsibility to curate our feed with content that serves us in the right way – and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with either being, or following, the gym buffs – but it’s refreshing to find an account that goes against the grain of what society normalises as being the accepted beauty standard. These women are big, bold, loud and proud – and we love ’em!


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So, who are these ‘Fat girls Travelling’ and how did this feel-good account come to life?  

Let us introduce Annette Richmond, the creator and moderator of Fat Girls Travelling.

Annette created both Instagram and Facebook accounts in the hope to alter the social media stereotype of the cliché female traveller. And she’s making waves in her efforts to become the voice of plus-size female travellers. In an interview with Huffington Post, Annette discusses her motives behind the account.

“My goal with creating Fat Girls Traveling was to build a safe and inclusive community, as well as help take the stigma out of the word fat,” she posted on her blog. “Fat does not mean ugly. Fat does not mean lazy. Fat does not mean unhealthy.”


And here’s a snapshot of what you’ll find if you follow them.

Expect all the travel feels and destinations you’d get from any other travel account, only this time you’re looking at real-life globetrotters. Fat Girls Travelling shatters stereotypes, and serves as a powerful message to all woman – fat, thin, strong or curvy – that whatever your shape, size, colour or age, these travel snaps prove we can all slay a bikini. And there should be zero shame when we do it.


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