Have you ever met someone on a Contiki trip and just instantly clicked? Like “you complete me, where have you been all my life?” kinda clicked?
That my friends, is the sign of a Contiki BFF, and a potential soulmate in the making. Home friends and lovers come and go, but the Contiki bond is one that lasts over texts and FaceTimes, regardless of distance or time apart.
Here are the signs that your new Contiki BFF might just be a lifelong keeper:
After first impressions you learn that your favourite person in the group is also your roommate, so you know you two were meant to be.
You can decide who takes the aisle seat and who takes the window seat without even arguing about it. Your preferences are so complimentary.
You always want to do the same things when you get to every city, because you both have the best taste, obviously.
It only took a few hours before your guard was down and you realized they’re just as weird as you are.
Regardless of how far apart you live, you like the same kinds of music, fashion, movies etc.
You have the same drink order at every bar and can just order two of each for convenience.
You have the same taste in meals and both love to eat, so you can order two different dishes and share ‘em between you every time.
You’re unanimous about whether it’s gonna be an early night or a late night, every single night.
They set their alarm with enough time for you both to get ready.
They remind you about the important things you need to remember to pack in every city.
Your toiletries become their toiletries, and not a question is asked.
They’d never leave you behind when it’s time for bags to coach.
They bring you breakfast when you’re in need of a sleep in.
They’re always willing to be your napping pillow when needed.
They’re always up for a late night snack that complements what you’re craving.
Your Trip Manager refers to you as a collective, regardless of if you’re roommates or not. If one of you is there on time, she knows the other one is somewhere close by.
They share their supplies and snacks with you when you run out/ forgot something without question.
They have the perfect eye for your best angles when they’re taking photos for you.
They happily listen to your life story during a long drive day, and don’t ever ask you to let them nap.
Your selfies just look so damn good with the two of you in them.
They lend you their clothes like you’re twins who should be sharing a wardrobe anyways.
They become your stylist before a nice dinner/ night out and have you looking hotter than you’ve ever looked before.
One of you is better at navigating, and one of you is better at spontaneous ideas, so you complement each other’s travel styles perfectly.
You never for once have to worry that they’re gonna ghost you at the bar. You’re leaving together, regardless of the hour.
It’s only been 4 days but you already know everything about them, including their siblings’ full names, what their childhood was like, how they take their coffee and what their deepest hopes and dreams are.
You probably know more about them than you do about some of your friends back home.
Your outfits begin to complement each other daily, because you can’t clash with your bestie in all of the photos you’re about to take together.
You can turn any bar or bus ride into the best time ever, as long as your sidekick is with you.
You’ve inspired each other to go home and make life changes and become the best versions of yourselves, just by knowing each other.
You’ve already picked your next trip that you wanna do together before your first trip is over.
You’ve both made plans to visit each other’s cities before the trip is over.
You feel as though you’re losing half of yourself when you part ways on the last day…
But then you remember you’ll be texting them in like 10 minutes, so it’s not really goodbye at all. There’s no question, you’re stuck with each other for good.