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Meet Chrissy Chambers, the first person ever to win a revenge porn case


*six-two 35 under 35 changemaker of 2018 – mental wellbeing

Chrissy Chambers is the woman every other woman (and man for that matter) needs in their life. She was the first person EVER to win a revenge porn case, she’s an advocate for women’s rights, a voice in the LGBT+ community, an animal lover, and brings awareness to PTSD and other mental health issues through her YouTube channel with her fiancé, Bria Kam. And the coolest part is, Chrissy has done all of this before even hitting 30.

Nominated by Alayna Fender & Michael Rizzi, our six-two 35 under 35 judges for the mental wellbeing category, Chrissy is only 27 and has already made history as the first person to win a revenge porn case in court. Ever. She successfully took legal action against an ex in the UK (side note, Chrissy is American but the video was uploaded in the UK and there are no international laws for revenge porn sadly), and she won monetary damages and the ownership of the videos, meaning she can successfully remove them from all sites. It’s a huge win for anyone who has had their privacy violated and a landmark case in terms of how revenge porn will be dealt with by courts in the future. No one explains the ins and outs of the case better than Chrissy, and her video below is well worth a watch if you want to learn more.

After the videos appeared online, Chrissy developed post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression, leading to her becoming an alcoholic. Chrissy has now been sober for several years and receives therapy from trauma specialised therapists. Her journey is far from over, but she uses her voice for good, raising awareness and discussing mental health issues with her 770,000+ strong YouTube audience. Chrissy’s passion for reducing the stigma associated with mental health struggles is so significant, it has even given her the ability to drive change locally and globally.

Chrissy isn’t just a pioneer in fighting against revenge porn and mental health advocate though. Alongside her equally amazing fiancée, Bria, the two make music, LGBT+ friendly videos and have open, honest discussions about many issues facing women and the gay community. Bria and Chrissy openly shared their relationship on YouTube, fighting to normalise and support LGBT+ love. They are both truly inspiring role models.

After becoming a victim of revenge porn, all I wanted was for the videos and trauma to disappear, but I knew I could not stay silent forever. My fiancé Bria and I have made a career of advocating for the LGBTQ community and trying to be role models for our audience so I felt a responsibility to them to take a stand,” said Chrissy.

Are you as inspired as the rest of us? Get more Chrissy and Bria in your life by following them on YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.

To learn more about the six-two 35 under 35 changemakers of 2018 initiative, and to see who else made our list, head here.