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Is Being A Digital Nomad All It’s Cracked Up To Be?

It’s not exactly breaking news that the Internet has revolutionised communication and connection, but it’s also flipped the traditional concept of ‘work’ on its head. More people than ever are working from home via the world wide web, and now the rise of the ‘digital nomad’ has seen people taking that work on the road!

The definition of digital nomad is: ‘People who are location independent and use technology to perform their job.’ Working from wherever you want across the globe sounds like a dream right? But is it really all it’s cracked up to be?

The Pros

You have more freedom and independence

No boss! No set hours! No ridiculous internal politics you don’t understand and want to be excluded from! When you’re a digital nomad your career is in your hands and you can work how (and when) you choose. Wake up and feel like a swim? Work better at nighttime? You can literally do you, every single day.

Maximum travel opportunities

Probably the most appealing part of a digital nomad lifestyle is the travel element. Not only do you have the ability to go where the wind takes you but you can do it slower and see more because you won’t be rushing from place to place, trying to get back before your leave ends.

Next level work-life balance

The digital nomadic way has the potential to be extremely rewarding when you think about what it can offer you in terms of working to your strengths and schedule. You get to switch off whenever you want to and make money on your terms, without the pressure of working hours for the sake of it.

Live the good life

You don’t have to sacrifice a career to travel and you can live an epic adventure along the way! You’ll meet new people all the time and maybe most amazingly, you can live very well for very little money! Depending on where you base yourself, you can work out of cheaper destinations and in some cases even exchange board for work. You don’t even need a lot of money to get started as a digital nomad!


girl texting on Lisbon - digital nomad lifestyle

The Cons Of Being A Digital Nomad

Heavy reliance on good tech

Because you need a job that can be done online (sorry but being a electrician probably won’t work), you also need a top notch internet connection. Sadly, this may not be available on the road and there’s no IT team to support you in a crisis. In fact, there’s no team at all usually, so you need to be confident you can access what you need and fix a tech issue in a pinch.

May not be attractive to all employers

While you may think you’ve found the perfect lifestyle for yourself, employers may see otherwise. They may want to meet face to face, or know they can call you at any time while you’re working on a project. Time differences will likely prevent this, and they simply may not choose you over someone in their city because of it.

Not everyone can stay focused on the go

You don’t ~technically~ have a home and unless you establish a good routine (e.g. wake up, walk, breakfast, café, coffee, work), you may find it hard to be productive. You really have to keep yourself motivated, especially if you’re on the look out for a new job!

Unable to be at home with friends and family

Not only do you not have stuff, but you also don’t have a network of friends, family or community to hang out with. This may not be a barrier for everyone, but when you’re moving all the time and the languages and customs are different, it’s easy to feel like an outsider.


So What Do You Think?

Like most work opportunities, choosing a digital nomad lifestyle really boils down to whether it meets your needs as an individual or not. It’s certainly not for everyone and you do need to have a particular type of job to be able to do it on the go.

We want to know what you guys think. Vote below and let us know if you’d embark on a digital nomadic career…