A quarter life crisis is defined as a time in a persons life when they feel the stress of being an adult and start acting impulsively. While I kept on the conventional path, my goals went askew when something in my life drastically changed…
I went to University and got a BSc in Nutrition & Health. After graduating, got a good job at Weight Watchers Head Office. Everything was going perfectly, until one day I was called into a meeting room and handed a letter telling me of my impending redundancy. It came completely out of the blue – a few weeks prior I was told by my boss that I was a promising young talent and that she would look and see if there were any courses she could send me on to improve my skills to advance my career in the company.
With the redundancy money, I decided to go travelling for 6 months around the world with my sister. Our first stop was a Contiki tour of China. On day one of the tour I got chatting to a guy from Australia. We got to know each other more as we travelled through China and it was in Shanghai that things turned romantic. I hadn’t been looking for love, yet I’d fallen in love with him 2 weeks into my 6 months travel around the world! The tour only lasted for two weeks so we had to say an emotional goodbye in Hong Kong.
My sister and I continued travelling Asia, and a month later we arrived in Australia. We travelled the East Coast from Cairns to Sydney, and organised a Contiki reunion in Brisbane as there were a few Australians on the China trip. The Australian boy flew out from Melbourne for the weekend and it was so great to be reunited.

One of the first things we did was skydive over St Kilda beach, which was exhilarating and a tick off the bucket list for both of us. The old saying of time flies when you’re having fun was certainly true. I had to say goodbye again, and flew with my sister to New Zealand to continue our travels. He and I stayed in touch despite all the time zones I travelled through.
Luckily he had a British passport and an uncle that lived 45 minutes from me so he hit the ground running by landing himself a job only a few weeks after landing. He lived with me in England for a year and a half and I got myself a good Nutrition job in the food industry. Everything was going well but my boyfriend missed Australia and I craved more travel and adventure.
I left my Nutrition job behind and we travelled around Africa for a month before moving halfway round the world to live in Melbourne. I’ve been in and out of work doing jobs, but it doesn’t matter: I’m living my dreams rather than just talking about them. I don’t know where life will take us next – but it’s fun not knowing, and just taking opportunities when you see them.
Has travel helped you to follow your passion? Have you recently stopped working to pursue your dream of seeing the world? Share your stories with us here and you could see your work published on six-two…