How do you like your eggs in the morning? If the answers either poached, scrambled or boiled, look no further, as we’ve got eggs-actly what you’re looking for (c’mon, we know you love an egg pun as much as we do).
That’s right, our MUNCH food series is back, just in time for that perfect Easter breakfast. Have a look at our recipes below to create the perfect eggs, no matter how you like them…
- Eggs, and lots of ‘em
- Slotted spoon
- Dijon mustard (1 large teaspoon for 2 eggs)
- Pot & fry pan
- Butter
- Bread
Perfect poached egg:
- Add a small dash of vinegar to a pan of steadily simmering water.
- Crack eggs individually into a ramekin or cup.
- Create a gentle whirlpool in the water to help the egg white wrap around the yolk.
- Slowly tip the egg into the water, white first. Leave to cook for three minutes.
- Remove with a slotted spoon, cutting off any wispy edges using the edge of the spoon.
- Drain onto kitchen paper
- Serve on toasted bread and season to taste

Perfect scrambled eggs:
- Lightly whisk the eggs, Dijon and a pinch of salt and pepper together until all the ingredients are just combined and the mixture has a good consistency.
- Heat a small non-stick frying pan for a minute or so, then add the butter and let it melt. Don’t allow the butter to brown or it will discolour the eggs.
- Pour in the egg mixture and let it sit, without stirring, for 20 seconds. Stir with a wooden spoon, lifting and folding it over from the bottom of the pan. Let it sit for another 10 seconds then stir and fold again.
- Repeat until the eggs are softly set and slightly runny in places, then remove from the heat and leave for a few seconds to finish cooking.
- Give a final stir and serve on buttered toast with chives.

Perfect soft boiled egg:
- Bring the water up to a boil, then lower to a rapid simmer.
- Add the eggs to the pot, and then begin timing. If you’re just cooking one or two eggs, five minutes is perfect for a runny yolk.
- Set a timer.
- Once the eggs are cooked, bring them out of the pan and run under cold water.
- Serve in an egg cup with a sprinkle of salt and buttered toast soldiers.