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‘Kawaii’ Cooking – Japan’s newest, hottest, and tiniest food trend

If you’re a fan of all things cute, edible and tiny, you’ll be beside yourself with the new Kawaii video trend that has taken Japan by storm.

‘Kawaii’ cooking (Japanese for cute) has been building in popularity over the past year, and has now branched out to become something of a global trend.  YouTube creators are using teeny tiny utensils to create miniature, but perfect, edible plates of food.

One of the biggest miniature food players, Miniature Space, has racked up an impressive 795,000 subscribers at last count, with its most popular video, the miniature strawberry shortcake, gathering over 6 million views:

The devil is in the detail with these videos. Miniature fridges, work surfaces, and tiny plates and cutlery have all been meticulously designed to create this eeny meeny culinary world where tea light candles provide enough heat to produce a perfectly cooked steak.

The mini food sushi is particularly pleasing:

Whilst the mini deep fried chicken looks salivatingly delicious:

Maybe it’s the peaceful white noise ambience of the videos, but there’s something inherently peaceful about the content (or perhaps just bonkers) that is sending the internet into a tiny food frenzy, with miniature food videos now making up 3% of the total views of the YouTube food category.

Whilst the food may not fill up our giant man bellies, it certainly makes our imaginations super happy, and makes us wonder where else this miniature trend could lead…