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Reasons to Travel Now! Why Wait?

We’ve heard the excuses. I don’t have time. I don’t have money. I’m too busy. No one will travel with me. It’s time to take that Negative Nancy attitude and make travel a priority in your life right now. Did I mean, like, “right now!” right now? Heck yes – don’t save it for later! Here’s why you need to pack your bags and get goin’.

Craft your own unique story

Ever feel at a loss for words when at a dinner party and everyone has been talking about their grand adventures?  If you travel sooner rather than later, you’ll be the person

Holla for the dollar – it’s strong against the Euro right now

You’re not getting more bang for your buck – literally.  What does that mean for you?  Europe has never been more affordable than right now because your dollar bills get you more Euro in return.  But exchange rates change minute to minute, so this is a good reason to travel now.

You’ve got the time – use it!

Every year, millions of vacation hours go unused in the United States.  That’s time off that is paid for!  So take the time off and go for it because you’ll realize that time waits for no one so you might as well make every minute of it count, right?

It looks great on your resume

We’ve stressed the different ways that having travel experience is a resume-booster.  Invest in your self, your well-being, and your self-development.  Travel opens your eyes to different cultures and communication styles – take your learnings and use them for life!

Do it for your Instagram feed

Don’t spend time envying the travel photos of the “People You May Know” – capture some memories of your own!

It’s become easier than ever to travel abroad

Let’s face it – with technology at our fingertips, we’re able to see far-flung destinations we otherwise dreamed about in our geography books.  Stop surfing the internet and start surfing the waves in Australia!  Don’t scan your Facebook feed, scan your eyes upon the ruins of the Colosseum!  The world shouldn’t be consumed through your cell phone screen or on the television.  With more airline routes, more opportunities to travel, and the idea that people have done it before you – make the leap.