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10 real-life Harry Potter filming locations you can visit in the UK

glenfinnan-viaduct Harry Potter

You’ve read the books, watched the films and mourned the ending of the world’s most loved fantasy series. BUT the magic still lives on. In fact, winter is the perfect time to cosy up and binge on the films all over again. Or, if you want to get closer to the magic, it’s also a great time to walk in the footsteps of our favourite witches and wizards and re-live some of the most iconic moments in Harry Potter history.

That’s right, the world of witchcraft and wizardry is closer than you ever imagined with the UK playing home to some of the most infamous Harry Potter moments. So grab your wand, throw on your invisibility cloak and head to the UK’s most magical Harry Potter filming locations…

10. London Zoo, London

Throwing it back to where it all began, the Reptile House at the London Zoo hosts an infamous moment in the first Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone film. The location sets the scene where Harry learns he is not just your every day 11-year-old, speaking to snakes while out with the Dursleys!

A palm tree in front of a brick building, used as a Harry Potter filming location.

9. King’s Cross Station, London

Maybe one of the most legendary Harry Potter locations, King’s Cross station also in London plays home to the iconic platform 9¾ where Harry nervously makes his way to The Hogwarts Express. Situated in the arched wall between platforms 9, 10 and 11, the disappearing trolley provides the perfect photo opp for all you Potter fans.

Harry Potter Platform 9 sign at filming location.

8. St Pancras Stations, London

Just pop next door and you won’t miss this incredible neo-gothic building, St Pancras International. The exterior of the building is the setting for where the Weasley’s magical Ford Anglia takes off in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

A large red brick building with a blue sky, known for being one of the Harry Potter filming locations.

7. Leadenhall Market, London

Situated between Bank and Tower Hill, Lendenhall Market is famous among us muggles for being one of London’s oldest markets. Buuuut it also doubles up as the exterior for Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron! You may not find your chosen wand in Ollivanders, but the market is still a great place to grab a bite to eat or do some non-magic related shopping.

London's St James's Market is one of the Harry Potter filming locations in England.

6. Australia House, London

The only known bank of the wizarding world, Gringotts Wizarding Bank is in fact Australia House on the Strand, in Central London. The Exhibition Hall of this house, with its chandeliers and marble columns, was used as the interior of Gringott’s Bank. Australia House was officially opened by King George V in 1918, standing as a major landmark and the Australian Embassy.

A building with statues in front of it, known as a Harry Potter filming location.

5. Millennium Bridge, London

Featured in a dark and eerie London, the Millennium Bridge is the setting in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince before being destroyed by death eaters. But don’t fear, thanks to CGI the futuristic bridge is still standing strong and links the Bankside with the City of London. Expect some incredible views at a pinnacle point along The Thames River.

A bridge over a body of water used as one of the Harry Potter filming locations.

4. Alnwick Castle, Northumberland

Used for some of the exterior shots of Hogwarts Castle in both Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Alnwick Castle is the setting where Harry and his classmates took their flying lessons with Madame Hooch. The castle offers a whole load of medieval and magical activities including Broomstick Training classes for anyone who fancies their chances on the Quidditch team.

A castle, a green field.

3. Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucester

Used as the setting for many of Hogwarts interior scenes, the gothic cathedrals fan vaulting architecture in seen in 3 of the Harry Potter films. Debuting its appearance in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the cloisters in Gloucester Cathedral double up as a corridor in Gryffindor, the setting where Moaning Myrtle flooded the toilets and where the haunting words, “The chamber of secrets has been opened” appeared.

A long hallway with stained glass windows, reminiscent of Harry Potter filming locations.

2. Christ Church, Oxford

The Great Hall at Christ Church draws serious similarities on The Great Hall in Hogwarts, probably because the setting was modelled after the renaissance splendour church and replicated in the London studio. The staircase which leads up to the Great Hall was also used for the arrival scene for new Hogwarts students in the first two Harry Potter films.

A long wooden table at a Harry Potter filming location.

1. Goathland Station, North Yorkshire

But perhaps the most magical location of all is Goathland Station on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway. This setting was transformed into Hogsmeade station in Harry Potter & The Philosopher’s Stone. The final stop for the Hogwarts Express saw Harry, Hermione and Ron step out into the wizarding world of Hogwarts for the very first time.

A train pulling into a Harry Potter filming location.

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