Travelling is an unforgettable experience that no one is able to take away from you. From meeting new people, exploring unseen countries and go on unimaginable adventures.
It’s an incomparable feeling of freedom and one that was the best remedy for my break-up.
Let’s take it back to 10 months ago when I went on my first overseas holiday. I chose to do a cruise around New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Fiji with my boyfriend of 3 and a half years. All in all the cruise was beautiful besides the sea sickness, rain 12 days out of 14 and turbulent seas, but hey, can’t complain about a free roller coaster ride now can we. I had never seen water so crystal clear in my life.
The culture over there really made me open my eyes and realise how fortunate I am living in Australia. And most importantly, it made me realise how toxic my relationship was and how unhappy I was. I knew something needed to change.
We arrived home and I gave myself some space to think about things for a couple of days. I remember messaging my boyfriend one morning “What if you woke up and I was just gone, to the other side of the world…?” And by me saying that really made me question what the hell I was doing with myself. It was time for me to be selfish and put myself and my happiness first for once. At the beginning of the breakup (let’s just say the breakup didn’t go very well. At all.) I regretted the last 3 and a half years of my life.
I went from regretting to realising that it was all just a learning curb. I now know exactly what I do and don’t want in a relationship (and that’s not a relationship anytime soon) and I slowly started to find myself again. It has also made me get to where I am today and for that I am forever grateful. After all, one door closes and 3 more open.
10 months on and I have cruised around the Pacific Islands once again, with another guy… let’s just say another one bites the dust (cruises are cursed for me). I’ve traveled around Japan with one of my good friends for my 21st birthday which was absolutely incredible to say the least. From getting lost on the daily, to Mario Karting around Tokyo, to nearly breaking our legs snowboarding. Japan easily stole our hearts.
And I’ve also adventured around Oahu, Hawaii in a convertible mustang with one of my longest best friends. Although my driving nearly killed us at some points and I came back broke AF from treating myself a little too much, it was all worth it. Oahu was more than I could have ever imagined. And to add to the list, I have just booked Alaska. I think we can tell who really won the break up here.
My breakup was the best thing to have ever happened to me. I have completely found myself again and I am constantly getting told how much happier I look. That’s when you know you did something right. In saying that, I say to do one thing. So, drop anything that is not making you happy, book the holiday you keep dreaming about and JUST GO!
Forget the money, forget your job. It will all work out. Trust me. All of my holidays were booked with close to no money. My credit card was maxed in Hawaii but I don’t and never will regret a single thing. They are memories that I have and will cherish forever.
Most people live life waiting for something to happen. Like there’s suppose to be one big event in your life that gives you meaning and purpose. It happened. You were born. So stop making excuses on why not and start giving yourself reasons why. Cut out what’s not making you happy, pack your bags and go and experience this incredible, crazy world!
Has travel helped you to prosper following a break-up? Share you stories with us here and you could see your work published on six-two…