My name is Yasmin and I'm an avid traveller and a novice photographer who also love writing and sharing my experiences via my travel blog (yasminuurya.co). I was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The way I travel is typically slow and steady and in most destinations I love exploring places that are lesser known in social media or the internet. I prefer exploring and discovering places through hiking and road trips or even sailing (something I have yet to do). I tend to avoid big cities and prefer small towns and historical villages. If possible, I prefer travelling with friends and family but not in big groups because there's only so much time we have with our loved ones. Travel is important to me because it solidifies my very existence on this earth. The more I travel the more open my mind becomes. It teaches me humility and empathy because I not only get to understand the way people in different parts of the world live, but I also become humbled and more appreciative of my home country.