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Travelling with Contiki at 29 made me realise that there is no age limit on creating memories

Friends sojourning Europe

Love the idea of traveling with a complete group of strangers from all parts of the world from ages 18-35? But if you’re closer to 35 does it set that you will be the “old” person?

Yes, of course it does. 

When I finally went on my Contiki European Experience, I was 29. The disclaimer is for ages up to 35, but reading about the fast pace and all the parties that there were, I figured it would be a younger crowd. I could keep up in that aspect – after all, I had made my way through college and the Army, so moving fast, partying and drinking were no issue, and something I was looking forward to. The real issue for me, is would I look like “the guy who was a little too old to be here?”.

When I was flying over London, I was in awe that I’d finally made my way to Europe. I walked into the basement and saw so many people waiting for this journey to begin. We had over 40 people on our tour. If we take that number, along with the 18-year age range and do some sort of mathematical equation, I am sure we get a number that averages out the age of everyone; but that would not show the amazing personalities that were on this trip, regardless of age.


contiki swiss flag

I met fellow Americans, cool Canadians and some of the craziest Aussies, Kiwis and Tazzys. Contiki welcomes anyone from ages 18 – 35 and we had everyone that covered all ages: youngest to oldest.

It is worth mentioning that I was the oldest male on the trip. It ended up being of no significance as we all had an amazing time traveling throughout a beautiful continent. I made many friends and have already visited a few, as well as having plans to see more.


contiki no age limit

When it comes down to it, anybody that has a dream to travel the world should go on a trip.  Do not let your age or similar thoughts keep you from missing out. When you are on top of Europe at the Swiss Alps, watching the Eiffel Tower glitter at night or enjoying a pork knuckle with a glass of beer in Munich, you will be making memories with your Contiki family.

Have you recently been on a Contiki Trip of a lifetime, or had an experienced that has made you feel like you were limitless? Share your stories with us here and you could see your work published on six-two…