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You’re invited to Contiki’s Movie Club: here’s how to get involved


Haven’t you heard? Staying in is the new going out. But that doesn’t mean braving it alone – we just need a dash of imagination and the assistance of our new BFF: technology. 

Contiki Movie Club

Roll up, roll up, you’re invited to Contiki’s Movie Club. Over the next few weeks we’ll be screening some of our fave destination and travel films, and we want you to join us. All you’ll need is a Netflix account and a handy little extension called Netflix Party

Here’s how you can get involved… 

Contiki Movie Club checklist

You’ll need a Netflix account

We’ll be sending a movie night invite every other Thursday (the next one is Thursday 16 April, then Thursday 30 April). But for all this to work you’ll need a Netflix account. If you don’t already have one, we’re not quite sure how you’re managing this whole social distancing thing… First timers can get a free 30-day trial by visiting the Netflix website. 

Download the Google extension

Logged into Netflix? Great, now to join Contiki’s Movie Club you’ll need an ingenious little extension called Netflix Party. Here’s how to make that happen:

  1. Visit using Google Chrome.
  2. Click Get Netflix Party for free.
  3. Once you’re directed to the Google Chrome extension page, click Add to Chrome.
  4. Click Add Extension and a lil’ grey NP icon will pop up in your toolbar.
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Wait for our invite

We’ll be running polls each fortnight on our social channels so you can help to choose the next film. Then, we’ll send out invites every other Thursday to join the club. All you need to do is click the URL we send over via social media or email, and you’ll be taken to Netflix.

Click the NP icon and a chatroom will appear on the right-hand side of the screen. Then we can watch the film and travel to distant lands together, while discussing all the on-screen food, scenery and cultures – and the first places we’ll visit when all of this is over. We hope that it’ll be a blissful respite amid all the noise. 

So, let’s get the popcorn ready and laugh, cry and gossip together. Just because we have to stay home, doesn’t mean that we can’t still have adventures.

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