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QUIZ! Euro ’25: Where should you go?

Contiki Europe Photo: Contiki

Buzzing for your Euro Summer ‘25 already? We really can’t blame you. There’s nothing quite as beautiful and exciting as Europe when the summer finally decides to come, gracing the Alps, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Danube, and the Greek Islands with sun and so much fun. But, with a continent as big and varied as Europe, pinpointing where exactly to go can be a little hard (unless you’re feeling super keen and want to take on our Ultimate European?). 

Worry not because we’re the experts, and you can always trust us 100%! So, to help you out and make your Euro Summer ‘25 as easy and care-free as possible (because that’s kind of our thing), we’ve devised this quiz so you can decide where to go. Will you be breathing in fresh mountain air, strolling through the trees, or will you be lazing by the shore, letting yourself be smoothly transported by boats and trains? Find out below! 

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