Pride season is here (how exciting!), so it’s time to crank up Lady Gaga, pull on your sequin hot pants and get your tickets to one of Contiki’s fabulous Pride trips… like this one, to Amsterdam Pride!
Maybe you’ve already purchased your ticket or maybe you’re hovering tentatively over the button. You might be wondering “what on earth do I even pack for a Pride trip?!”. Well don’t worry, I’ve got you covered on all of the above! Read on for the perfect packing guide to help you get the cutest pride outfit ready.
When packing for a Pride festival/trip, what should you keep in mind?
Whether it’s your first Pride or your 30th, it’s important to remind yourself that you can show up however YOU want to show up. If you’re down to party dusk to dawn, great, if you want to dip your toe in the action and back out again, then that’s also totally valid! Pride festivals can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming if you haven’t been to one before so it’s important to pack items that will make you feel comfortable. Your perfect pride outfit is the one that makes you the most happy, not others!
My first Pride was in 2018 and it was a really big moment for me. It was the first time I had publicly joined in with LGBTQIA+ celebrations and wore rainbow colours (which made me feel part of the community for the first time). My first ever pride outfit was composed of a crop top, black shorts and some rainbow socks (a very light touch in comparison to my friends but it was right for me at the time).
These days, I’m not quite as reserved with my fashion choices so I’ll tend to wear something a bit more daring, but this is just my personal journey. The great thing about trips with Contiki is that you have the chance to define yourself how you want to, without judgement.

Image source:Rosie Turner
Can you wear whatever you want for Pride?
Yes of course! Wear whatever pride outfit will make YOU feel good! You might want to switch it up a gear from last year, add a few more sequins, show off a bit more of your body, or you might want to reign it in a bit and cover up. You might even want to wear ‘non-Pride outfit’ clothes such as a black top and shorts. Up to you! We’re all individuals so own your personal sense of style.
What are 5 Pride essentials?
- Reusable water bottle: Most Pride festivals are during the summer and you’re probably going to be dancing, drinking and moving a lot, so stay hydrated!
- Rainbow paints: These are so cute and such a simple way to dress up your pride outfit. They are also more sustainable than glitter and can be saved to use year on year!
- Pride Flag or any individual flag of your choice
- Bumbag or crossbody bag: Don’t underestimate the power of the bum bag, especially one that you can clip on to you. It’ll help keep your belongings safe and your arms free to dance!
- Sunglasses: It’ll be sunny so protect your eyes (also great for hiding behind if you spot your ex…).
What extra should you remember to bring?
- Suncream: It’s an easy one to forget but you don’t want to walk around looking like a lobster, do you? Plus sunburns really hurt too…
- A battery pack for your phone: Where there are crowds of people you’re likely to not have any signal and the last thing you want is your phone to die as well so make sure you have a back up!
- Chewing gum and breath mints: Who knows… you might get lucky!!

What kind of shoes should you wear to Pride?
I would always recommend flats or trainers as you’re probably going to be walking around a lot and dancing! If you’re feeling fancy then you could slip on a heel. Either way don’t wear box-fresh-shoes unless you plan to pack a load of plasters too! Pride isn’t the time to wear in new footwear, you want old and faithful shoes!
What would I wear to London Pride?
Comfy shorts, a colourful crop top (orange is my vibe at the moment) bucket hat, bumbag, black converse high tops with white sports socks and rainbow trim.
What would I wear to Paris Pride?
Paris has that extra romantic sparkle and pizzazz compared to London’s more trendy and urban vibe. I’d wear a playsuit with sequins and some colourful comfy shoes. Paris is also generally hotter than London in the summer so I’d definitely be considering wearing a little less!
What would I wear to Amsterdam Pride?
Amsterdam Pride is super unique because it’s held along the canals. I’d likely wear trainers or my Dr Marten sandals, a slogan T-shirt (to start conversations!) and some denim shorts!

Image source:Rosie Turner
Where can you find inspiration or ideas for your Pride outfit?
I love looking on TikTok at what other creators are wearing. Sometimes I also search Pinterest too for inspiration. A really great place that you wouldn’t expect to get inspiration though is looking through the ‘Mighty Hoopla’ hashtag on Instagram. Mighty Hoopla is fast becoming the world’s biggest Queer music festival (although don’t quote me on that!) and everyone looks genuinely FABULOUS.
Whatever you choose to pack for Pride should reflect YOU. Always be comfortable in your pride outfit choices (even if they’re not the same as others). The fantastic thing about our community is that we are all different and we’re all here to support and uplift each other! So remember to have fun and grab your ticket to a Contiki trip!