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Why your Contiki roomie is the piece of the vacay puzzle you never knew you needed

contiki roomate

As you must know by now, Contiki is all about travelling the world and forming friendships with people from all over that’ll last you a lifetime! We don’t call it social travel for no reason. One of the principal friendships you’ll form is with your Contiki roomie.

That’s right – unless you’ve opted for a single bedroom on your trip, you’ll either be paired with one or two other roommates, or popped in a dorm with lots of pals – and it’s the best. thing. ever! You may be sceptical, you may not want to share a room with a stranger, but we’re here to tell you that your Contiki roomie is THE piece of the vacay puzzle you never knew you needed. So, read on and make sure you book a twin room!

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4 ways that your travel friends will become your best friends

by six-two team Mar 15, 2018

1. They’re probably the first friend you’ll make

When you first step on the Contiki coach, you’ll be met with many new and friendly faces. Making friends on Contiki comes about as naturally as breath in your lungs – yup! But, your Contiki roomie is most likely the first proper friend you’ll make, and perhaps your most consistent.

Depending on accommodations, you’ll generally be paired with the same person every night, giving you the duration of your trip to go through your evening routines together and get chatting! You’ll get to spend extra time with each other and gain valuable knowledge which will cement your friendship. It’s a magical thing, trust us. 

friends travelling together in Holland

Image source:Contiki

2. You’ve always got a coach buddy

Of course you’ll want to talk to other people, but, when in doubt, your Contiki roomie will always be there for you. If you’re an introverted traveller and need someone to handle the conversation starters and introductions for you, you’re sorted! Or maybe you just need a familiar face to sit by and recharge those batteries after a long day of adventuring.

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Charlie Fabre
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3. You’ll create a powerful alliance

Maybe one of you likes to sleep in in the mornings, and the other is an early bird. Whoever is up in the morning can grab their roomie some breakfast so they can catch up on beauty sleep and not miss out before a big day!

Maybe one of your forgot your room key or forgot your room number. Well, at least you’re teamed up and you can work together to find your lodgings! Two heads are always better than one.

friends in Europe

Image source:Contiki

4. You can borrow their stuff if you forget anything

Some of us (like me) are terrible packers and we forget small knick knacks which may seem like knick knacks but actually turn out to be really important items! Lucky for you, your Contiki roomie, and new best friend, might be better prepared and happy to lend you whatever you need.

Plus, you can even share and swap outfits for dinners and nights out when you don’t want to repeat. Bonus if you have the same shoe size…

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Charlie Fabre
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5. Debriefs every night!

When you’re travelling with a group of people there’s bound to be some pretty interesting stories and events happening here and there. Who better to share them with than your Contiki roomie? So, when you’re both tucked in bed in your hotel room, it’s the perfect time to have a debrief sesh! 

You can tell each other about all the little things the two of you experienced that day, as well as share jokes and stories heard from other travellers. Those late night chats can often be the thing to form everlasting relationships, you know.

friends in Europe

Image source:Contiki

6. You’ve always got someone to go to

Travel is a beautiful and wonderful and amazing thing, but it can get a little intense. We’ve all had some experiences where we’ve wanted to snap at our travel buddy because of a cancelled flight or an orientation mishap in a busy city.

When things are getting too much, it’s good to have someone to turn to when you need to chat or just calm down. Thanks to the unbreakable bond you’ve already built, your Contiki roomie will be exactly that person for you.

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