Contiki is about many things. It’s about epic destinations. It’s about having everything organised for you (so you can focus on gelato. And sunsets. And karaoke. You know, the good sh*t). But more than anything else, Contiki is about friendships.
Friends! More important than money. More reliable than the weather. Shoulders to cry on. Faces to make you smile. Memories to make you laugh. Travel (and life in general), just wouldn’t be the same without them.
And our fave part of a Contiki trip is watching those friendships be born in real time. We throw a group of strangers together, young and hungry for adventure. And whether we help them explore Europe, Asia, America or Australia, we ALWAYS see the same results. Instant BFFs. Squads crossing continents to reunite. Oh, and then there’s all the marriages, courtesy of Contiki (you’re welcome lovebirds).
Basically, what we’re saying is that for 60 years we’ve been driven forward and inspired by the incredible relationships formed on our trips. And we think that’s something worth celebrating. In fact, we’re determined to make it happen.
Because today is International Friendship Day. But unlike Valentine’s (boring) or Mother’s Day (again?) you probably haven’t even heard about it. And we think it’s time to change that. We think friends are one of life’s most precious gifts. And if that doesn’t call for a celebratory day, we don’t know what does.

Imagine: International Friendship Day, the global public holiday. No pressure to buy overpriced roses, or lame hampers. A day to forget about work, and bills, and which politicians you hate. Just a day to get together with your favourite people in the world. To eat, drink, and reminisce about the adventures you’ve had over the years. To indulge in private jokes you haven’t thought about in far too long. To sack off all other commitments. Because on this glorious day, everyone can find the time. Because on this day, everything is just about you, and the people you love the most.
Ok, sure, we have a lot of crazy ideas. But this one’s so crazy it might actually work. So if you agree that International Friendship Day should be a global holiday, stay tuned. We think we sniff a petition on the horizon…