It’s that time of year again, the time for a NEW year and hopefully this next one will be even more fabulous and action-packed as the last – in a good and totally fun way. The 1st of January is fast approaching and if you haven’t made your New Year resolutions yet, then maybe you should start thinking about them. Specifically, your New Year travel resolutions!
Let’s face it, travel never goes out of style, and there are so many new and fun ways to do it every year. So, maybe add a few of these New Year travel resolutions to your list and see what you can accomplish.
1. Take at least one unplugged holiday or getaway
Listen, it’s safe to say that social media makes up a big part of everyone’s lives these days. Who doesn’t love spending 5 hours scrolling on TikTok? But, it’s good to disconnect, and travel is a great way to do that!
So, this year, why not challenge yourself to take one unplugged holiday. This means no phone (apart for photos and navigation if you must), so computer or TV, just you and the big wide beautiful world. Leave all your daily worries behind – especially those pesky work emails, ew! – and reconnect with yourself.

Image source:Contiki
2. Experience one place you’ve never been before
Whether it’s a destination dupe, the new and cool hidden gem, or that long-time bucket list destination, you should 100% plan to visit a place you’ve never been before! If you resolve to visit a new place every New Year, you’ll never have a shortage of places to travel to. This New Year travel resolution is sort of a no-brainer.
3. Change your perspective
Though this may be a little contradictory to the previous point, sometimes when we travel to places we don’t get the right perspectives. Maybe the weather was bad, or the hotel you booked was super busy and awful, or you went with friends and argued the whole time. Doesn’t matter why, what does matter is giving these places a second chance!
You never know how things can change, and you may find a new favourite. Every experience, even if it’s in a place you’re familiar with, has the potential to leave a lasting impression on you.

Image source:Contiki
4. Travel… for the food
There are plenty of places in the world that you might not rank highly on your bucket list. Perhaps Elvis’ Graceland isn’t your cup of tea – but there’s something intriguing about Elvis’ Peanut Butter, Banana, and Bacon sandwich that has you thinking twice. By getting out of your comfort zone and choosing the destination for its food, you might surprise yourself. Your love for food will help you discover places you might never have considered in the first place – and both your stomach and wanderlust will be fulfilled!
5. Introduce a friend to the joys of travel!
If there’s one thing everyone should do, it would be to add this New Years travel resolution to their list because, after all, the gift of travel is best shared with friends!
If you have a friend who’s never travelled before, bring them with you. Not only will you be making amazing memories together, but you’ll also be opening so many doors for them. And, do you know what a great way to travel with friends is? Contiki!

Image source:Contiki
6. Travel solo
On the flip side of the above, if you’ve never travelled solo before then this new year is definitely the time to try! Though it may seem daunting, travelling solo is so rewarding in so many ways and you’ll be able to create new experiences for yourself, step out of your comfort zone, and maybe learn a thing or two.
If you want to travel solo, but not totally solo, consider booking a group tour *cough, cough* to ease yourself into it.
7. Try a new travel style
Have you been back-packing before? Have you been skydiving? What about spending the night on a sleeper train? There are so many fun and unique ways to see the world, and you should definitely try as many travel styles as you can. Safaris, adventure holidays, island hopping, train travel… Add these to your New Years travel resolutions ASAP.

Image source:Contiki
8. Visit the scene of your favourite movies and shows
We all have that one franchise we love, be it Harry Potter, Twilight, White Lotus. So, why not travel to the real life filming locations and experience some of that cinema magic? Certain productions have chosen just the most stunning locations, and it’d be a shame to let them go to waste, especially if you’re such a big fan. Dubrovnik for Game of Thrones fans is a must, or the Greek Islands for anyone who wants to live their Mamma Mia life!
9. Travel more sustainably
A good New Years travel resolution to keep every year is to travel as sustainably as you can. No matter how big or small your efforts are, they’re always appreciated, and if we keep this resolution together we can make the world a better place!