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Contiki reveals its 5-year sustainability goals to help you make your travel matter

Make Your Travel Matter Photo: Contiki

“There is no way to travel but consciously” – filmmaker, explorer and TreadRight Foundation ambassador Céline Cousteau

The future of travel is here. If we’ve learned nothing this year it’s that conscious, sustainable and thoughtful travel is the only way. And while plenty of brands are claiming or aiming to do things differently, to make a real impact, you have to put your intentions into action.

That’s why we’re inviting you to read Contiki’s new five-year sustainability plan, How We Tread Right (HWTR). Last year we encouraged all our staff, travellers and partners to stand up and commit to responsible travel as part of our Make Travel Matter mission, and this year we’re releasing our plan to outline how we will do just that.

Developed by our parent company The Travel Corporation, our plan maps the efforts Contiki will make alongside our TreadRight Foundation. It is made up of 11 clear goals (tied to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) and addresses our impact on the planet, and the people and wildlife who live on it.

Essentially, the plan addresses how we, as a travel brand, will positively contribute to issues such as:

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Interested to learn more about Contiki’s sustainability goals and how your travels can have a positive impact on the planet and the people and wildlife who live on it? Course you are. Keep reading to learn more about the detailed plan and goals…

A poster showcasing the world's sustainability goals for development.

Image source:Contiki / TTC

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Climate change

1.  Achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 or sooner


2. Source 50% of our electricity from renewable sources by 2025  



Image source:Contiki

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Sustainable food production

3. Reduce food waste by 50% across all hotels and ships by 2025 


4.  Increase use of local and organic food products by our supply chain by 2025


Responsible consumption and production

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5. Reduce printed brochures by 50% by 2025  


6. Eliminate single-use plastics from our offices and trips worldwide by 2022



 Include at least one Contiki Cares / Make Travel Matter Experience on 50% of all TTC itineraries 


8. Achieve a 20% increase of itineraries visiting developing destinations for specialist brands by 2025 


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Diversity and inclusion

9: Increase employee and market sentiment regarding diversity and inclusion at TTC across our brands

10. Complete 30,000 volunteer hours by 2025


Two women standing in front of a dhoonk sign promoting sustainability goals.

Image source:Contiki

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Animal welfare

11. Ensure all our wildlife experiences adhere to our Animal Welfare Policy by 2021


Measuring and reporting the impact

We as a brand will be committed to tracking, measuring and reporting on our impacts. We’ll report on our progress towards our HWTR goals through annual Impact Reports, and have established a verifiable reporting structure to allow us to do this. Lastly, we’ve designated Make Travel Matter teams across the business to identify, solve and report on sustainability issues.

Ready to Make Your Travel Matter? Find out more about our Contiki Cares experiences on trips.

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